Visualforce User Agent Detection

The code below provides an example of a page action method used to detect a mobile user-agent and perform redirection. Alternatively the same approach could be used with dynamic Visualforce components to switch between mobile/web optimised page composition.

[sourcecode language=”java”]
public PageReference redirectDevice(){
String userAgent = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get(‘USER-AGENT’);

//& some devices use custom headers for the user-agent.
if (userAgent==null || userAgent.length()==0){
userAgent = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get(‘HTTP_X_OPERAMINI_PHONE_UA’);
if (userAgent==null || userAgent.length()==0){
userAgent = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get(‘HTTP_X_SKYFIRE_PHONE’);

//& replace with custom setting – using (?i) case insensitive mode.
String deviceReg = ‘(?i)(iphone|ipod|ipad|blackberry|android|palm|windows\\s+ce)’;
String desktopReg = ‘(?i)(windows|linux|os\\s+[x9]|solaris|bsd)’;
String botReg = ‘(?i)(spider|crawl|slurp|bot)’;

Boolean isDevice=false, isDesktop=false, isBot=false;

Matcher m = Pattern.compile(deviceReg).matcher(userAgent);
if (m.find()){
isDevice = true;
} else {
//& don’t compile the patterns unless required.
m = Pattern.compile(desktopReg).matcher(userAgent);
if (m.find()) isDesktop = true;

m = Pattern.compile(botReg).matcher(userAgent);
if (m.find()) isBot = true;
//& Default is mobile – unless a desktop or bot user-agent identified.
if (!isDevice && (isDesktop || isBot)) return null; //& no redirect.
return new PageReference(‘/apex/MobileIndex’); //& redirect.

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